
Philip Popien

Lessons Learned Building a Global Flood Segmentation Model in Record Time


Thursday, November 16, 2023


2:35 pm


Saphir 2+3


Tired of collecting labels for your supervised Deep Learning model? Philip will show how they used a shortcut to create near infinite high quality labels to train a global water segmentation model on the VIIRS sensor in record time. Along the way, you will learn what is really important in an industry Machine Learning project, a lot about different satellite imagery and why you should not be a hero in choosing your model architecture.

Applying Machine and Reinforcement Learning for Cleaner and Greener Water Treatment Solutions


Thursday, November 16, 2023


3:05 pm


This talk discusses the critical role of Machine and Reinforcement Learning (ML / RL) in an important task: water treatment. Explore how applied ML and RL approaches have been implemented to improve water treatment processes, enabling cleaner and greener solutions. Takeaways include insights into identifying appropriate targets for AI optimization, applying ML/RL to real-world applications, and an overview on translating such solutions from R&D simulations into the real world.

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