Machine Learning for Real Time Release in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing at Johnson&Johnson


Tuesday, November 19, 2024


11:35 am


Forum 6-7


Model-based process characterisation is key for implementing real time release testing within pharmaceutical manufacturing. Andre illustrates the integration of data-driven modelling and machine learning to craft resilient release strategies capable of accurately predicting the products’ quality attributes. These strategies result in optimised lead times in the supply chain and foster a comprehensive and timely understanding of the process performance, thereby generating substantial value.


Steffen Sass

Enhancing Drug Product Particle Imaging at Roche through Artificial Intelligence


Tuesday, November 19, 2024


12:05 pm


In this session Steffen will showcase the application of artificial intelligence at Roche for assessing visible particles in drug products. This technology enables Roche not only to automatically classify particles into several subclasses but also to significantly improve the image data processing and cleaning. Steffen will illustrate how Roche designed the user-facing application in order to efficiently assist the data processing, thereby collecting new data that are used for the model improvement.

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