PAW Financial Expert Round 3: AI for Investments & Assets
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
1:00 pm
1. Image Forgery Detection System for Digital Assets (Vijay Maharajan)
Digital Assets are getting a great amount of traction in recent times. NFTs – Non Fungible Tokens, being one such example, has a lot of Digital Assets in its marketplace. But there are people who does manipulate a digital asset and try to sell it on another NFT marketplace. To prevent this, this session presents the development and demonstration of an Image Forgery Detection System.
2. The Role of AI in Assessing Climate Related Risks (TCFD) and ESG Investments (Pedro Baiz)
TCFD (Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures) recommendations continue to gather support across the financial sector (e.g. Central Banks, Blackrock, etc) demonstrating how the entire financial system is changing. The talk will provide a guiding light on the current ESG maze, starting from a comprehensive overview of what is Sustainable Finance (starting from “materiality” and focusing on “metrics” and “analytics”), using as an example the Real Estate sector (VaR estimations).
3. Image Construction and Recognition for Finance (Rafaëlle Botter)
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are great for images recognition because they can identify patterns between images despite changes of color, location or orientation. Nonetheless, “images” of the financial market are not the same as an image of an animal or an object or a letter. This presentation is about how to build “images” for finance and how to set the CNNs in order to optimize image recognition of the financial market.