The End of Market Research as we know it? When Autonomous LLM-based Agents Run Surveys & Write Your Reports


Wednesday, November 15, 2023


3:05 pm


Saphir 2+3


We present a case study examining the potential of Large Language Models like ChatGPT to transform the market research industry. Our prototype agent takes a market research interest as input, autonomously consults online sources to create a relevant questionnaire, conducts the survey using online APIs for a specified sample size and demographic, and generates a report based on the survey results. This includes quantitative data, as well as analyses of open-ended responses.

Graph Neural Networks for Predicting Stock Market Shares at StockFink


Wednesday, November 15, 2023


3:35 pm


Explore the potential of graph algorithms, i.e. Graph Neural Networks (GNN), in predicting stock market prices. This approach, involving the analysis of relationships between hedge funds and companies, goes beyond single graphs to utilize a series of graphs for deeper insight. Think about link prediction, and link-weight prediction. Join us for insights and takeaways that may inform your next investment strategy, already a part of StockFink’s predictive arsenal.

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