Insurance Quote Recommendations at Swiss Mobiliar Powered By In-Database ML


Tuesday, November 19, 2024


1:30 pm


The attendees will explore how Swiss Mobiliar processes insurance quote recommendations faster and more accurately by unlocking hidden data patterns with NLP-based AI functions embedded in SQL following the paradigm “Bring the algorithms to the data – not the other way around”. An example from the world of soccer will be followed by a discussion of the objectives and results of the app for quote recommendations. Thomas will also discuss accuracy, traceability and trustworthiness of the predictions.

Leveraging Large Language Models to Speed Up Underwriting in Life Insurance at Gothaer


Tuesday, November 19, 2024


2:00 pm


Extracting information from different kinds of unstructured text documents is a hard task in the field of NLP. The advent of large language models (LLMs) provided a new way to tackle the problem, exhibiting high potential. Here, Paolo shows how Gothaer successfully applied LLMs to extract key information out of unformatted medical records, agent emails, and insurance forms in order to provide a structured summary for life insurance underwriters, speeding up considerably the risk and premium assessment.

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